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Thomas Moore

- Panelist Blurb

Thomas Moore (born October 8, 1940 in Detroit, Michigan) is an American writer of popular spiritual books including the New York Times best seller, Care of the Soul (1992). He is a psychotherapist, influenced by the writings of Carl Jung and James Hillman. Moore earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Chicago's DePaul University, a Master of Arts degree in musicology from the University of Michigan, a Master of Arts degree in theology from the University of Windsor, Ontario, and in 1975, a Doctor of Philosophy degree in religion from Syracuse University. He taught at Glassboro State College and then Southern Methodist University. Denial of tenure at SMU launched Moore's next career.

From 1974 to 1990 Moore practiced as a psychotherapist, first in Dallas, Texas and later in New England. After the success of Care of the Soul and its companion volume Soul Mates, he became a full-time professional writer who lectures internationally about spirituality, ecology, psychotherapy, and religion.

A Life at Work: The Joy of Discovering What You were Born to Do, was released in 2009 and Writing in the Sand: Jesus and the Soul of the Gospels, in May 2009. His latest book, Care of the Soul in Medicine was published in April 2010 by Hay House. A collection of short stories about golf, the Guru of Golf, was published in mid-2010.

Moore was a panelist at the Connecticut Form on The Spirit in Our Lives - Search for Personal Meaning, on May 30, 1998.